Your support for
FOREST decision


To fulfill the objectives of the doctoral research project , it was necessary to develop a Forest Decision Support System (DSS) considering the multicriteria decision theory.
This was not the first project to develop a SAD Florestal in which I participated. My first participation took place in 1997, that is, 25 years ago, that is, in different contexts, with different teams, and with the approaches and technologies that until then were available at each time. Romero® is the fourth project!
Romero® began to be developed in 2015, during my PhD period at the Polytechnic University of Madrid (UPM). Now, in my post-doctorate, I am continuing to develop Romero® with the support of a team of excellence, which is composed of researchers from UPM and State College Pennsylvania. Romero® is a project of life, now as open software for other researchers to continue the project when my brain's useful life ends.
The name Romero® is a tribute to Professor Romero, a world-renowned scientist in the application of multi-criteria to forest management, who supported me during my doctorate, retired the year I defended my thesis. Your book lay open on my desk during the four years I spent studying and programming. Romero® software implements the concepts of multicriteria theory described in your book and I believe we will all see your ideas alive in software form.
Throughout its history, Romero® has had several investments from both Brazil and abroad. It has been funded by several European research funds such as FORSYS , FOReADAPT , ORCHESTRA and SuFoRun . Between 2016 and 2019, in Brazil, he received support from CNPq . At the moment (2022), it has been subsidized by the Ministry of Universities, under the UPM Requalification program.
Forests have been an important source of fiber, food, water, biodiversity, energy, recreation, scenic beauty and environmental services. The science of forest management involves the challenge of working with forests in a way that produces needed benefits now, without compromising future benefits. The pressure towards social, economic and environmental sustainability drives the development of technologies to cover these demands, improving models, introducing new methods and adding holistic planning approaches in forest management decision support systems (FMDSS). The conflicts that arise between the desire to use natural resources and the desire to preserve them make multicriteria decision theory necessary. Brazil, one of the ten largest wood producers in the world (IBÁ - INSTITUTO BRASILEIRO DE ÁRVORES, 2019), has the second largest forest cover on the planet. It also uses optimization models that represent the growth of forests integrated to decision support systems that help managers in their decisions (RODRIGUEZ; NOBRE, 2014). However, forest planning models and applied decision support systems are not uniformly developed and available for all types of problems encountered in the country (BELAVENUTTI; ROMERO; DIAZ-BALTEIRO, 2018). Managers of Brazilian forest plantations face many conflicts in the continuous search for efficiency gains (greater production with a minimum use of resources) and effectiveness (greater profits with minimum social and environmental impacts).
The importance of forests in maintaining the country's ecosystem services is well known, especially in relation to water security, given the respective crises of the last decade. We also emphasize how much it is possible to increase the area of forest cover in order to protect the soil and essential water resources for agriculture, which provides raw material for our industry and guarantees food security for our population._cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b -136bad5cf58d_
Forest, industrial and environmental managers of the main fiber producing countries are constantly interacting to adjust the processing demands of the industry and the demands of industrial forests (MACDICKEN et al., 2015; UHDE et al., 2015; KAYA et al., 2016; SCHRODER et al., 2016).
The decision process in such cases seeks a compromise that accommodates often conflicting objectives. Conflict resolution involves negotiation based on trade-offs between criteria that can be translated into quantitative indicators.
Romero ® is a forestry decision support system...

Romero® is a forestry decision support system, based on multi-criteria decision making that can be used in different contexts of forest plantations. It allows the development of forest management optimization models that meet expectations from the most diverse stakeholders. The models cover multi-criteria mathematical programming, processes and data that are structured in a versatile way, in order to allow the realization of a shared decision-making process, which equates sustainability (environmental and social preservation) with economic viability (productive performance).
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